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Movies for the year 2015

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We found 43922 movies for the year 2015. Select a movie below to see the list of cast members for the movie. If those cast members have worked together in multiple movies, beneath each actor a list of actors they have worked with multiple times will appear. Clicking that link will provide you with a list of movies the two actors have starred in together over the years.

Mandela, My Dad and Me (2015)

Rating: 8.2 of 10

Out of the Box (2015)

Rating: 8.2 of 10

Ovum (2015)

Rating: 8.2 of 10

Plamen (2015)

Rating: 8.2 of 10

Blackboard (2015)

Rating: 9.3 of 10

Double Digits: The Story of a Neighborhood Movie Star (2015)

Rating: 9.3 of 10

Bill (2015)

Rating: 6.5 of 10

La vida después (2015)

Rating: 6.5 of 10

Tajrish... an unfinished story (2015)

Rating: 5.0 of 10

Breathe Umphefumlo (2015)

Rating: 5.9 of 10

Little Miss Purrfection Show the Tryout (2015)

Rating: 5.9 of 10

The Minnesota Delivery (2015)

Rating: 5.9 of 10

2101 (2015)

Rating: 7.2 of 10

A Lab Rat Tale (2015)

Rating: 5.4 of 10

A Rising Tide (2015)

Rating: 8.1 of 10

Aria for a Cow (2015)

Rating: 8.1 of 10

Assassinista (2015)

Rating: 5.4 of 10

Babovresky 3 (2015)

Rating: 2.7 of 10

Disceptatio (2015)

Rating: 8.1 of 10

Doar cu buletinul la Paris (2015)

Rating: 8.1 of 10

Game of Scones (2015)

Rating: 8.1 of 10

Glimp (2015)

Rating: 8.1 of 10

GORED (2015)

Rating: 8.1 of 10

Lindsey Vonn: The Climb (2015)

Rating: 7.2 of 10

Lépj tovább (2015)

Rating: 8.1 of 10

My Life My Lesson (2015)

Rating: 7.2 of 10

The Bull Rider (2015)

Rating: 7.2 of 10

Crazy New Year's Eve (2015)

Rating: 4.3 of 10

Ludo (2015)

Rating: 4.3 of 10

Bezubaan Ishq (2015)

Rating: 4.6 of 10

Clayton & Claudia (2015)

Rating: 4.6 of 10

Best Man Wins (2015)

Rating: 8.0 of 10

Deeree Girls (2015)

Rating: 6.4 of 10

Det mest abruptaste hejdået (2015)

Rating: 6.4 of 10

Haftanlage 4614 (2015)

Rating: 8.0 of 10

Liebling (2015)

Rating: 8.0 of 10

Molly Takes a Trip (2015)

Rating: 6.4 of 10

Savage (2015)

Rating: 8.0 of 10

Slice & Dice (2015)

Rating: 8.0 of 10

Ten Billion (2015)

Rating: 8.0 of 10

The Caravan (2015)

Rating: 6.4 of 10

The Fox Exploits the Tiger's Might (2015)

Rating: 8.0 of 10

Twilight Storytellers: Turncoats (2015)

Rating: 8.0 of 10

Une division SS en France: Das reich (2015)

Rating: 8.0 of 10

Don't Worry Baby (2015)

Rating: 7.1 of 10

True Story (2015)

Rating: 7.1 of 10

Verfehlung (2015)

Rating: 7.1 of 10

West of Redemption (2015)

Rating: 7.1 of 10

The Black Sea (2015)

Rating: 5.8 of 10

Island of the Blind Dead (2015)

Rating: 7.9 of 10

Pant Suits (2015)

Rating: 7.9 of 10

Thrilling Adventure Hour Live (2015)

Rating: 7.9 of 10

Thunder Broke the Heavens (2015)

Rating: 7.9 of 10

A Sinner in Mecca (2015)

Rating: 4.5 of 10

Beyond Punishment (2015)

Rating: 7.0 of 10

Don't Be Blind (2015)

Rating: 7.0 of 10

Don't Gamble What You Don't Have (2015)

Rating: 7.0 of 10

Dry Dreams (2015)

Rating: 9.0 of 10

Eyes Open Nevermore (2015)

Rating: 7.0 of 10

McDonald's: Good Things (2015)

Rating: 7.0 of 10

Most Likely to Die (2015)

Rating: 6.3 of 10

Operation Bethlehem (2015)

Rating: 6.3 of 10

Socios por accidente 2 (2015)

Rating: 4.5 of 10

The Little Things (2015)

Rating: 7.0 of 10

Sometimes It Is My Birthday (2015)

Rating: 5.7 of 10

District C-11 (2015)

Rating: 5.2 of 10

Jasper (2015)

Rating: 7.8 of 10

Juliet & Romeo (2015)

Rating: 7.8 of 10

L'homme qui répare les femmes: la colère d'Hippocrate (2015)

Rating: 7.8 of 10

La sirène de Faso Fani (2015)

Rating: 7.8 of 10

Moldy (2015)

Rating: 4.8 of 10

Mourning's Landing (2015)

Rating: 5.2 of 10

Touched the Film (2015)

Rating: 7.8 of 10

Women in Sink (2015)

Rating: 8.9 of 10

Final Dance (2015)

Rating: 6.9 of 10

Hadwin's Judgement (2015)

Rating: 6.9 of 10

Uncommon (2015)

Rating: 6.9 of 10

El desafío (2015)

Rating: 6.2 of 10

Followers (2015)

Rating: 6.2 of 10

A Love You (2015)

Rating: 5.6 of 10

Bao zou shen tan (2015)

Rating: 4.4 of 10

Portrait of a Serial Monogamist (2015)

Rating: 5.6 of 10

The Spectacular Jihad of Taz Rahim (2015)

Rating: 5.6 of 10

Artoo in Love (2015)

Rating: 6.8 of 10

Massage Parlor of Death (2015)

Rating: 6.8 of 10

Mosagallaku Mosagadu (2015)

Rating: 5.1 of 10

The Old Jewish Cemetery (2015)

Rating: 6.8 of 10

Robbery (2015)

Rating: 6.1 of 10

Sabki Bajegi Band (2015)

Rating: 6.1 of 10

Tales of Dracula (2015)

Rating: 6.1 of 10

Høsten (2015)

Rating: 8.7 of 10

Night Surf (2015)

Rating: 8.7 of 10

Pass Me By (2015)

Rating: 8.7 of 10

Ruze ghezavat (2015)

Rating: 8.7 of 10

Spore (2015)

Rating: 8.7 of 10

A Porta 21 (2015)

Rating: 7.6 of 10

Amélia & Duarte (2015)

Rating: 7.6 of 10

Anxietyville (2015)

Rating: 7.6 of 10

Beyond the Fear (2015)

Rating: 7.6 of 10

Dekadent: Veritas (2015)

Rating: 7.6 of 10

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