Movies for the year 1934
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We found 2622 movies for the year 1934. Select a movie below to see the list of cast members for the movie. If those cast members have worked together in multiple movies, beneath each actor a list of actors they have worked with multiple times will appear. Clicking that link will provide you with a list of movies the two actors have starred in together over the years.
Hollywood on Parade No. B-6 (1934)
Rating: 1.6 of 10
My Song Goes Round the World (1934)
Rating: 6.9 of 10
Atlantäventyret (1934)
Rating: 5.9 of 10
Flickorna från Gamla sta'n (1934)
Rating: 5.9 of 10
Fiestas Cristianas/Fiestas Profanas (1934)
Rating: 6.8 of 10
Movie Memories #2 (1934)
Rating: 5.1 of 10
One Exciting Adventure (1934)
Rating: 6.8 of 10
The Trumpet Blows (1934)
Rating: 5.1 of 10
Jailbirds of Paradise (1934)
Rating: 7.4 of 10
Lynet (1934)
Rating: 6.2 of 10
Wild Gold (1934)
Rating: 6.2 of 10
Half a Sinner (1934)
Rating: 6.7 of 10
Le métro (1934)
Rating: 6.7 of 10
Ein Mann will nach Deutschland (1934)
Rating: 4.2 of 10
Isham Jones & His Orchestra (1934)
Rating: 5.7 of 10
Mon coeur t'appelle (1934)
Rating: 5.7 of 10
Egy éj Velencében (1934)
Rating: 5.3 of 10
Flirting with Danger (1934)
Rating: 5.3 of 10
Pokusení paní Antonie (1934)
Rating: 5.3 of 10
Story Conference (1934)
Rating: 6.1 of 10
West of the Pecos (1934)
Rating: 7.2 of 10
Terror of the Plains (1934)
Rating: 5.6 of 10
Art for Art's Sake (1934)
Rating: 4.6 of 10
Gunfire (1934)
Rating: 6.0 of 10
My Mummy's Arms (1934)
Rating: 6.0 of 10
High School Girl (1934)
Rating: 5.5 of 10
Dédé (1934)
Rating: 6.4 of 10
Hohe Schule (1934)
Rating: 6.4 of 10
One Is Guilty (1934)
Rating: 4.8 of 10
Affairs of a Gentleman (1934)
Rating: 6.3 of 10
Handy Andy (1934)
Rating: 5.4 of 10
Nifty Nurses (1934)
Rating: 6.3 of 10
Burn 'Em Up Barnes (1934)
Rating: 5.8 of 10
Guilty Parents (1934)
Rating: 5.8 of 10
Here Comes the Groom (1934)
Rating: 5.8 of 10
She Made Her Bed (1934)
Rating: 5.8 of 10
Omochabako series dai san wa: Ehon senkyûhyakusanjûroku nen (1934)
Rating: 4.7 of 10
The Man from Hell (1934)
Rating: 4.7 of 10
Murder in Trinidad (1934)
Rating: 6.8 of 10
Naslednyy prints respubliki (1934)
Rating: 6.8 of 10
Peer Gynt (1934)
Rating: 7.4 of 10
The Border Menace (1934)
Rating: 3.7 of 10
Mickey's Medicine Man (1934)
Rating: 6.7 of 10
Sky Larks (1934)
Rating: 6.7 of 10
Die Finanzen des Großherzogs (1934)
Rating: 6.1 of 10
Mister Cinders (1934)
Rating: 7.3 of 10
Czarna perla (1934)
Rating: 5.2 of 10
Phil Spitalny and His Musical Queens (1934)
Rating: 6.0 of 10
A Penny a Peep (1934)
Rating: 5.5 of 10
Malle gevallen (1934)
Rating: 5.5 of 10
Rhapsody in Two Languages (1934)
Rating: 6.5 of 10
The Quitter (1934)
Rating: 5.5 of 10
Holland Days (1934)
Rating: 5.1 of 10
Simon i Backabo (1934)
Rating: 5.1 of 10
The Crime of Helen Stanley (1934)
Rating: 5.9 of 10
Die Insel (1934)
Rating: 4.7 of 10
Kungliga Johansson (1934)
Rating: 4.7 of 10
Meidän poikamme ilmassa - me maassa (1934)
Rating: 4.4 of 10
The Boss Cowboy (1934)
Rating: 3.7 of 10
Mushrooms (1934)
Rating: 7.0 of 10
Helyet az öregeknek (1934)
Rating: 5.8 of 10
Pipin, der Kurze (1934)
Rating: 5.8 of 10
The Countess of Monte Cristo (1934)
Rating: 6.3 of 10
The World Accuses (1934)
Rating: 4.3 of 10
Dizzy & Daffy (1934)
Rating: 5.7 of 10
Inyaah (Jungle Goddess) (1934)
Rating: 5.7 of 10
Prinzessin Turandot (1934)
Rating: 7.6 of 10
The Last Round-Up (1934)
Rating: 5.7 of 10
Sluby ulanskie (1934)
Rating: 6.8 of 10
Road House (1934)
Rating: 4.5 of 10
The Third Clue (1934)
Rating: 4.5 of 10
Henry the Ache (1934)
Rating: 4.8 of 10
The Path of Glory (1934)
Rating: 6.7 of 10
A Peach of a Pair (1934)
Rating: 6.6 of 10
Designing Women (1934)
Rating: 6.6 of 10
Leblebici horhor aga (1934)
Rating: 6.6 of 10
Sons of Steel (1934)
Rating: 6.0 of 10
Susie's Affairs (1934)
Rating: 6.6 of 10
Flying Hunters (1934)
Rating: 7.3 of 10
Forbidden Territory (1934)
Rating: 6.5 of 10
Amrit Manthan (1934)
Rating: 5.4 of 10
Pesnya o shchastye (1934)
Rating: 6.4 of 10
No More West (1934)
Rating: 7.1 of 10
Eight Girls in a Boat (1934)
Rating: 5.8 of 10
Ready for Love (1934)
Rating: 5.8 of 10
J'ai une idée (1934)
Rating: 6.3 of 10
Such Women Are Dangerous (1934)
Rating: 6.3 of 10
Ukanaskneli maskaradi (1934)
Rating: 6.3 of 10
Unser Führer - Des Reiches Wiedergeburt (1934)
Rating: 5.7 of 10
Minä ja ministeri (1934)
Rating: 3.9 of 10
Girls Will Be Boys (1934)
Rating: 6.2 of 10
Anita v ráji (1934)
Rating: 5.6 of 10
Glimpses of Erin (1934)
Rating: 5.6 of 10
L'or (1934)
Rating: 5.1 of 10
Trimmed in Furs (1934)
Rating: 4.7 of 10
City of Wax (1934)
Rating: 6.1 of 10
Der Doppelgänger (1934)
Rating: 6.1 of 10
Einmal eine große Dame sein (1934)
Rating: 6.1 of 10
Grey Owl's Strange Guests (1934)
Rating: 6.1 of 10
Cafe Universal (1934)
Rating: 7.6 of 10
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