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Movies for the year 1928

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We found 2967 movies for the year 1928. Select a movie below to see the list of cast members for the movie. If those cast members have worked together in multiple movies, beneath each actor a list of actors they have worked with multiple times will appear. Clicking that link will provide you with a list of movies the two actors have starred in together over the years.

The Fire Brigade (1928)

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The Fishing Fool (1928)

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The Flight That Failed (1928)

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The Floating College (1928)

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The Flying Age (1928)

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The Foreigner (1928)

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The Forger (1928)

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The Four-Footed Ranger (1928)

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The Fourflusher (1928)

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The Gate Crasher (1928)

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The Gateway of the Moon (1928)

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The Gauge of Battle (1928)

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The Gay Musketeer (1928)

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The Getaway Kid (1928)

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The Girl He Didn't Buy (1928)

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The Gladiator (1928)

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The Gloom Chaser (1928)

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The Glorious Trail (1928)

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The Gold Claim (1928)

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The Good Ship Nellie (1928)

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The Good-Bye Kiss (1928)

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The Gorno Marionettes (1928)

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The Grain of Dust (1928)

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The Great Office Mystery (1928)

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The Grey Glove (1928)

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The Grip of the Yukon (1928)

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The Gun Runner (1928)

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The Guns of Loos (1928)

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The Happy Trio (1928)

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The Hawaiian Revellers (1928)

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The Head Man (1928)

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The Head of the Family (1928)

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The Heart of a Follies Girl (1928)

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The Heart of Broadway (1928)

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The Hellcat (1928)

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The Home Girl (1928)

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The Home Towners (1928)

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The Honor System (1928)

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The Hound of Silver Creek (1928)

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The House of Scandal (1928)

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The House of Terror (1928)

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The Huntsman (1928)

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The Hyde Sisters (1928)

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The Idol (1928)

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The Infamous Lady (1928)

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The Interview (1928)

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The Intruder (1928)

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The Iron Code (1928)

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The Jazz Stringer (1928)

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The Junior Year (1928)

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The Keys of Heaven (1928)

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The King of Shebas (1928)

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The King's Breakfast (1928)

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The Kiss Doctor (1928)

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The Ladies' Man (1928)

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The Lady of Victories (1928)

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The Lariat Trail (1928)

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The Larry Ceballos Revue (1928)

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The Last Lap (1928)

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The Last Life (1928)

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The Latest from Paris (1928)

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The Law and the Man (1928)

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The Law of the Mounted (1928)

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The Lemon (1928)

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The Leopard Lady (1928)

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The Light on the Wall (1928)

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The Lion and the Mouse (1928)

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The Little Buckaroo (1928)

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The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come (1928)

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The Little Snob (1928)

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The Little Wild Girl (1928)

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The Little Wildcat (1928)

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The Little Yellow House (1928)

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The Living Death (1928)

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The Lone Patrol (1928)

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The Long Count (1928)

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The Looters (1928)

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The Lost Chord (1928)

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The Lucky Duck (1928)

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The Magic City (1928)

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The Magnetic Bat (1928)

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The Magnificent Flirt (1928)

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The Man in Hobbles (1928)

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The Man in the Iron Mask (1928)

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The Man Who Changed His Mind (1928)

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The Man Who Changed His Name (1928)

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The Market Square (1928)

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The Masked Angel (1928)

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The Menace (1928)

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The Midnight Ace (1928)

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The Midnight Adventure (1928)

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The Miracle of a Locomotive (1928)

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The Movie Man (1928)

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The Mystery of the Silent Death (1928)

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The Mystery Rider (1928)

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The Naughty Duchess (1928)

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The Naughty Forties (1928)

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The New Paris Lido Club Band (1928)

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The Newlyweds Lose Snookums (1928)

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The Newlyweds Need Help (1928)

Rating: No ratings yet

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