The actor to actor movie matrix database - Deja Scene
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Movies for the year 1914

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We found 8902 movies for the year 1914. Select a movie below to see the list of cast members for the movie. If those cast members have worked together in multiple movies, beneath each actor a list of actors they have worked with multiple times will appear. Clicking that link will provide you with a list of movies the two actors have starred in together over the years.

Memories (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Memories in Men's Souls (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Memories of Years Ago (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Memories That Haunt (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Memory (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Men of the Moment (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Men Will Deceive (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mera, the Medium (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Merely Mother (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mermaids of the Thames (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Meschugge ist Trumpf (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mesquite Pete's Fortune (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Message from Across the Sea (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Message of the Mind (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Messenger No. 845 (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Messina (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mesti ricordi (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Metamorphosis (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mety z Warszawy (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mexican Hatred (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mexico (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Meyer Als Soldat (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Miarka, la fille à l'ourse (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mice Nursery (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Michael Arnold and Doctor Lynn (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Michels eiserne Faust (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Micky Flynn's Escapade (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Midare sasa (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Midday or Midnight? (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Midnight Soaring (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mike and Jake Go in for Matrimony (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mike and Jake in the Clutch of Circumstances (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mike and Jake Join the Army (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mike and Jake Live Close to Nature (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mike Joins the Force (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mike Murphy as a Picture Actor (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mike Murphy V.C. (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mike Murphy's Dream of Love and Riches (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mike Murphy's Dream of the Wild West (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mike Murphy, Broker's Man (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mike Murphy, Mountaineer (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mike Searches for His Long-Lost Brother (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mike the Avenger (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mike Wins the Championship (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Miklosch reist in Unterwäsche (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Milano (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mildred's Doll (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Military Tattoo at Aldershot, England (1914)

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Military Trained Dogs, Belgium (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Millions for Defence (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Millionær for en Dag (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Millionærdrengen (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Min Ven Levy (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Minamoto Yorimitsu yôkai taiji (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Minamotono Yorimitsu (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Minister van landbouw woont de opening bij van de tentoonstelling van het runderras in het Jubelpark (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Miopino a caccia (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mirzi (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Miser Murray's Wedding Present (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Miseria e nobiltà (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Miss America (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Miss Cinderella (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Miss Milly's Valentine (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Miss Nobody from Nowhere (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Miss Raffles (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Miss Tomboy and Freckles (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mistakes Will Happen (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mister Noad's Adless Day (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mister Smith fait l'ouverture (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Misterio de dolor (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mitsutoshi naojiro shinobiai no yukdoke (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mixed Mails (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Miyajima ôadauchi (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Miyamoto Musashi (1914)

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Mlle. La Mode (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Moderen (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Moderne Tänze (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mollie and the Oil King (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Molly the Drummer Boy (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Momiji gari (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Monaco (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mondfischerin (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mondo baldoria (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Money for Nothing (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Money Talks (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Money Works Wonders (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Mongrel and Master (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Monsieur Bluebeard (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Monsieur Charlemagne (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Monsieur Chasse (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Monsieur Filoche fait l'ouverture (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Monsieur Lecoq (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Monsieur Pelche fait l'ouverture (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Monsieur Vautour (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Montana State Fair (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Monte Cristo Up-to-Date (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Montenegro (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Montmartre (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Montmartre (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

Montserrat (1914)

Rating: No ratings yet

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