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Movies for the year 1908

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We found 4280 movies for the year 1908. Select a movie below to see the list of cast members for the movie. If those cast members have worked together in multiple movies, beneath each actor a list of actors they have worked with multiple times will appear. Clicking that link will provide you with a list of movies the two actors have starred in together over the years.

Tartufo (1908)

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Ted and His Little Sister (1908)

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Telegrama NĂºmero Nove (1908)

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Ten Minutes with Shakespeare (1908)

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Ten Pickaninnies (1908)

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Tenor with Leather Lungs (1908)

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Tercentenary Celebrations to Commemorate the 300th Anniversary of the Founding of Quebec by Champlain (1908)

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Terrors of the Deep (1908)

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Testamentet (1908)

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Tetuan (Marruecos) (1908)

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That Awful Stork (1908)

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That Mother-in-Law Is a Bore (1908)

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That Nasty Sticky Stuff (1908)

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The 'Merry Widow' Hats (1908)

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The 10:40 Train (1908)

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The Accordion (1908)

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The Accuser (1908)

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The Acrobats (1908)

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The Actor's Child (1908)

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The Adventures of a Watch (1908)

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The Affianced (1908)

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The Airship; or, 100 Years Hence (1908)

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The Amateur Hypnotist (1908)

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The Amorous Nurse (1908)

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The Anarchist's Sweetheart (1908)

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The Angel Child (1908)

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The Angel of Nativity (1908)

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The Arab Band (1908)

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The Army of Two (An Incident During the American Revolution) (1908)

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The Artful Dodger (1908)

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The Artful Tramps (1908)

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The Artist's Nightmare (1908)

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The Asphalters' Dilemma (1908)

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The Astrologer (1908)

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The Automatic Hotel (1908)

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The Automatic Laundry (1908)

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The Ayah's Revenge (1908)

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The Baby and the Loafer (1908)

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The Bad Sister (1908)

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The Banan' Man (1908)

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The Bandit Makes Good (1908)

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The Bank Director (1908)

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The Bargeman's Son (1908)

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The Baronet Cowboy (1908)

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The Barry-Towns Sculling Race (1908)

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The Baseball Fan (1908)

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The Basket Maker's Daughter (1908)

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The Basket Party (1908)

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The Beauty Competition (1908)

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The Beggar (1908)

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The Best Glue (1908)

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The Best Remedy (1908)

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The Bewildered Professor (1908)

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The Bewitched Tricycle (1908)

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The Black Sheep (1908)

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The Blackmailer (1908)

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The Blind Boy (1908)

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The Blind Woman's Daughter; or, Ninette, the Artist's Model (1908)

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The Bloodstone (1908)

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The Blue and the Gray; or, The Days of '61 (1908)

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The Blue Bonnet (1908)

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The Boat Race (1908)

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The Bogus Lord (1908)

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The Bond (1908)

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The Book Agent (1908)

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The Boxing Englishman (1908)

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The Braggart; or, What He Said He Would Do and What He Really Did (1908)

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The Brave Children; or, The Little Thief Catchers (1908)

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The Bride's Dream (1908)

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The Bridge of Sighs (1908)

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The Bully (1908)

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The Bully and the Recruit (1908)

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The Burglar and the Clock (1908)

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The Burglar in the Piano (1908)

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The Burglar's Ball (1908)

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The Burglar's Child (1908)

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The Burglar's Joke with the Automatic Doll (1908)

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The Burns-Johnson Boxing Contest (1908)

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The Caleb Powers Trial (1908)

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The Captain's Wives (1908)

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The Carnival at Nice (1908)

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The Carter's Terrible Task (1908)

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The Cashier (1908)

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The Catholic Centennial Celebration (1908)

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The Cattle Rustlers (1908)

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The Cause of All the Trouble (1908)

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The Cavalier's Wife (1908)

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The Champagne Bottle (1908)

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The Chances of Life (1908)

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The Changing of Souls (1908)

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The Chauffeur's Dream (1908)

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The Cheekiest Man on Earth (1908)

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The Cheese Race (1908)

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The Chieftain's Revenge; or, A Tragedy in the Highlands of Scotland (1908)

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The Child and the Gigantic Animal (1908)

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The Child's Forgiveness (1908)

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The Chorus Girl (1908)

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The Chorus Man's Revenge (1908)

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The Christmas of a Poacher (1908)

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The Chronic Life-Saver (1908)

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