Movies for the year 1898
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We found 1742 movies for the year 1898. Select a movie below to see the list of cast members for the movie. If those cast members have worked together in multiple movies, beneath each actor a list of actors they have worked with multiple times will appear. Clicking that link will provide you with a list of movies the two actors have starred in together over the years.
Tossing a Nigger in a Blanket (1898)
Rating: 8.3 of 10
Un homme de têtes (1898)
Rating: 7.6 of 10
La lune à un mètre (1898)
Rating: 7.6 of 10
Santa Claus (1898)
Rating: 6.5 of 10
La tentation de Saint-Antoine (1898)
Rating: 6.1 of 10
Le magicien (1898)
Rating: 6.6 of 10
Pack Train at Chilkoot Pass (1898)
Rating: 5.2 of 10
Le squelette joyeux (1898)
Rating: 6.6 of 10
Panorama pris d'un train en marche (1898)
Rating: 6.0 of 10
Come Along Do! (1898)
Rating: 4.9 of 10
Guillaume Tell et le clown (1898)
Rating: 6.2 of 10
Visite sous-marine du Maine (1898)
Rating: 5.8 of 10
Illusions fantasmagoriques (1898)
Rating: 6.1 of 10
Boxing Cats (1898)
Rating: 6.3 of 10
Shooting Captured Insurgents (1898)
Rating: 4.9 of 10
Old Man Drinking a Glass of Beer (1898)
Rating: 5.3 of 10
Le scieur de bois mélomane (1898)
Rating: 5.2 of 10
Troop Ships for the Philippines (1898)
Rating: 4.9 of 10
Panorama pendant l'ascension de la Tour Eiffel (1898)
Rating: 5.9 of 10
Turkish Dance, Ella Lola (1898)
Rating: 5.0 of 10
The Burglar on the Roof (1898)
Rating: 4.8 of 10
U.S. Troops Landing at Daiquiri, Cuba (1898)
Rating: 4.2 of 10
L'aveugle fin de siècle (1898)
Rating: 5.2 of 10
Querelle de matelassières (1898)
Rating: 5.3 of 10
A Street Arab (1898)
Rating: 4.9 of 10
Surprise d'une maison au petit jour (1898)
Rating: 5.1 of 10
Scène d'escamotage (1898)
Rating: 4.6 of 10
What Demoralized the Barber Shop (1898)
Rating: 5.0 of 10
Evian: procession de la Fête-Dieu I (1898)
Rating: 4.8 of 10
Balaxanida neft fontani (1898)
Rating: 6.0 of 10
The Skyscrapers of New York (1898)
Rating: 6.5 of 10
À bord du 'Formidable': Ramassage du linge (1898)
Rating: 5.2 of 10
The Ball Game (1898)
Rating: 4.6 of 10
Le goûter champêtre (1898)
Rating: 4.9 of 10
Blanket-Tossing a New Recruit (1898)
Rating: 4.5 of 10
Ella Lola, a la Trilby (1898)
Rating: 4.7 of 10
Statue of Liberty (1898)
Rating: 3.6 of 10
Exécution de Jeanne d'Arc (1898)
Rating: 5.8 of 10
Passage d'un tunnel en chemin de fer (1898)
Rating: 6.0 of 10
A Switchback Railway (1898)
Rating: 5.7 of 10
Hockey Match on the Ice (1898)
Rating: 4.5 of 10
Dostavenícko ve mlýnici (1898)
Rating: 5.7 of 10
Express Train on a Railway Cutting (1898)
Rating: 5.4 of 10
La damnation de Faust (1898)
Rating: 5.9 of 10
The Launch of H.M.S. Albion (1898)
Rating: 5.9 of 10
Acteurs japonais: Exercice de la perruque (1898)
Rating: 5.3 of 10
Bataille d'oreillers (no. 2) (1898)
Rating: 5.2 of 10
Little Mischief (1898)
Rating: 4.2 of 10
9th Infantry Boys' Morning Wash (1898)
Rating: 3.8 of 10
Tommy Atkins in the Park (1898)
Rating: 5.4 of 10
La vie et la passion de Jésus-Christ (1898)
Rating: 5.2 of 10
Bibiheybatda neft fontani yangini (1898)
Rating: 6.1 of 10
Panorama du funiculaire de Bellevue II (1898)
Rating: 6.0 of 10
Výstavní párkar a lepic plakátù (1898)
Rating: 5.3 of 10
Cuban Ambush (1898)
Rating: 4.0 of 10
Going Through the Tunnel (1898)
Rating: 4.5 of 10
Burial of the 'Maine' Victims (1898)
Rating: 3.9 of 10
Roosevelt's Rough Riders Embarking for Santiago (1898)
Rating: 4.2 of 10
10th U.S. Infantry, 2nd Battalion Leaving Cars (1898)
Rating: 3.8 of 10
A Favourite Nursery Scene (1898)
Rating: 5.6 of 10
Wreck of the Battleship 'Maine' (1898)
Rating: 4.0 of 10
Sunset Limited, Southern Pacific Ry. (1898)
Rating: 4.1 of 10
Freight Train (1898)
Rating: 4.3 of 10
Ouvriers réparant un trottoir en bitume (1898)
Rating: 5.5 of 10
South Spring Street, Los Angeles, Cal. (1898)
Rating: 4.0 of 10
Trained Cavalry Horses (1898)
Rating: 4.0 of 10
War Correspondents (1898)
Rating: 3.8 of 10
Mount Tamalpais R.R., No. 1 (1898)
Rating: 4.2 of 10
Sleighing Scene (1898)
Rating: 4.2 of 10
Thiers, Mac-Mahon, Grévy, Carnot, Félix Faure (1898)
Rating: 4.8 of 10
After Launching (1898)
Rating: 3.3 of 10
I une rue à Tokyo (1898)
Rating: 5.2 of 10
Chiens savants: la danse serpentine (1898)
Rating: 5.4 of 10
Sirdar's Reception at Guildhall (1898)
Rating: 4.9 of 10
Smích a plác (1898)
Rating: 4.3 of 10
Acteurs japonais: Bataille au sabre (1898)
Rating: 5.8 of 10
Mount Taw R.R., No. 3 (1898)
Rating: 4.2 of 10
Roosevelt's Rough Riders (1898)
Rating: 5.0 of 10
Procession à Séville III (1898)
Rating: 5.5 of 10
The Fleet Steaming Up North River (1898)
Rating: 4.2 of 10
Divers at Work on the Wreck of the 'Maine' (1898)
Rating: 6.0 of 10
Military Camp at Tampa, Taken from Train (1898)
Rating: 4.0 of 10
Agoust Family of Jugglers (1898)
Rating: 5.8 of 10
Calf Branding (1898)
Rating: 4.5 of 10
Mount Tamalpais R.R., No. 2 (1898)
Rating: 4.0 of 10
Spanking the Naughty Girl (1898)
Rating: 7.2 of 10
Troops Making Military Road in Front of Santiago (1898)
Rating: 3.9 of 10
Les chats boxeurs (1898)
Rating: 4.6 of 10
U.S. Battleship 'Indiana' (1898)
Rating: 4.0 of 10
Colored Troops Disembarking (1898)
Rating: 3.6 of 10
Cinderella (1898)
Rating: 7.6 of 10
Parade of Chinese (1898)
Rating: 3.4 of 10
Morro Castle, Havana Harbor (1898)
Rating: 4.0 of 10
Tribulations of Sleeping in a Hammock (1898)
Rating: 7.0 of 10
Tetherball, or Do-Do (1898)
Rating: 4.8 of 10
Reviewing the 'Texas' at Grant's Tomb (1898)
Rating: 3.9 of 10
Soldiers Washing Dishes (1898)
Rating: 3.4 of 10
Wash Day in Mexico (1898)
Rating: 3.4 of 10
Feeding Sea Gulls (1898)
Rating: 4.0 of 10
Pack Mules with Ammunition on the Santiago Trail, Cuba (1898)
Rating: 3.9 of 10
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