Movies for the year 1897
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We found 1325 movies for the year 1897. Select a movie below to see the list of cast members for the movie. If those cast members have worked together in multiple movies, beneath each actor a list of actors they have worked with multiple times will appear. Clicking that link will provide you with a list of movies the two actors have starred in together over the years.
Sutro Baths, No. 2 (1897)
Rating: 4.5 of 10
Le cigare introuvable (1897)
Rating: 5.5 of 10
Une partie de lawn-tennis II (1897)
Rating: 5.9 of 10
Surf at Monterey (1897)
Rating: 4.2 of 10
La mort de Robespierre (1897)
Rating: 5.6 of 10
L'hallucination de l'alchimiste (1897)
Rating: 5.7 of 10
99ème régiment d'infanterie: assaut du portique (1897)
Rating: 5.4 of 10
Lurline Baths (1897)
Rating: 3.9 of 10
Free-for-All Race at Charter Oak Park (1897)
Rating: 3.5 of 10
Danse Tyrolienne (1897)
Rating: 5.3 of 10
The Dancing Skeleton (1897)
Rating: 5.4 of 10
Rome, cortège au mariage du prince de Naples (1897)
Rating: 4.9 of 10
L'assassinat du duc de Guise (1897)
Rating: 5.3 of 10
Fishermen and Boat at Port Said (1897)
Rating: 4.9 of 10
Serpentine Dance, Annabelle (1897)
Rating: 5.8 of 10
Paris, cortège du boeuf gras: Char du prince du carnaval (1897)
Rating: 5.5 of 10
Danse d'hommes (1897)
Rating: 5.1 of 10
Falls of Minnehaha (1897)
Rating: 4.2 of 10
Hotel del Monte (1897)
Rating: 3.8 of 10
Sauts de cheval en longueur (1897)
Rating: 5.6 of 10
Buffalo Stockyards (1897)
Rating: 4.1 of 10
Jérusalem, le saint sépulcre (1897)
Rating: 5.1 of 10
Assassinat de Kleber (1897)
Rating: 5.2 of 10
Paris, Place de la République (1897)
Rating: 5.2 of 10
Danse des Ciocciari (1897)
Rating: 4.6 of 10
Baignade en mer (1897)
Rating: 5.3 of 10
Belfast, Castle Place (1897)
Rating: 5.3 of 10
Comedy Cake Walk (1897)
Rating: 4.1 of 10
Voyage de M. le Président de la République Félix Faure en Vendée: bal des Sablaises, Les Sables-d'Olonne (1897)
Rating: 5.1 of 10
First Avenue, Seattle, Washington, No. 8 (1897)
Rating: 3.7 of 10
Batteuse de blé (1897)
Rating: 5.4 of 10
Fisherman's Wharf (1897)
Rating: 3.5 of 10
Victor Hugo et les principaux personnages des 'Misérables' (1897)
Rating: 5.1 of 10
Horses Loading for Klondike (1897)
Rating: 3.3 of 10
Liverpool, Lime Street (1897)
Rating: 5.5 of 10
Boxeurs en tonneaux (1897)
Rating: 5.3 of 10
Jeu de la poêle (1897)
Rating: 5.0 of 10
La défense du drapeau (1897)
Rating: 5.2 of 10
On the Beach (1897)
Rating: 7.4 of 10
Hotel Vendome, San Jose, Cal. (1897)
Rating: 3.6 of 10
Barrage du Nil (1897)
Rating: 5.4 of 10
Loading Baggage for Klondike (1897)
Rating: 3.2 of 10
L'amoureux dans le sac (1897)
Rating: 5.7 of 10
Paris, mi-carême: char de la reine des reines (1897)
Rating: 4.9 of 10
Washington, le président Mac Kinley adressant son message (1897)
Rating: 4.9 of 10
Garde descendante du Palais Saint James (1897)
Rating: 5.0 of 10
Boulevard Anspach (1897)
Rating: 5.1 of 10
Charmeur d'oiseaux (1897)
Rating: 5.4 of 10
Fête du jubilée de la reine d'Angleterre, le cortège: La reine (1897)
Rating: 5.4 of 10
La paralytique (1897)
Rating: 5.1 of 10
S.S. 'Coptic' Sailing Away (1897)
Rating: 3.6 of 10
S.S. 'Williamette' Leaving for Klondike (1897)
Rating: 3.4 of 10
Leçon de bicyclette (1897)
Rating: 6.3 of 10
S.S. 'Queen' Leaving Dock (1897)
Rating: 3.3 of 10
Feu de bois (1897)
Rating: 5.0 of 10
Launch of Life Boat (1897)
Rating: 3.5 of 10
Le Caire, un enterrement (1897)
Rating: 5.1 of 10
Dancing Darkey Boy (1897)
Rating: 4.8 of 10
Nègres Ashantis: Toilette d'un negrillon II (1897)
Rating: 5.1 of 10
Nice, Carnaval (N° 1) (1897)
Rating: 4.8 of 10
Le cocher endormi (1897)
Rating: 5.7 of 10
S.S. 'Queen' Loading (1897)
Rating: 2.9 of 10
Berne: Arrivée du roi de Siam (1897)
Rating: 4.8 of 10
Stanford University, California (1897)
Rating: 3.5 of 10
Bruxelles, Grande place (1897)
Rating: 4.9 of 10
Belfast, Queen's Bridge (1897)
Rating: 5.2 of 10
Buffalo Bill: peaux rouges (1897)
Rating: 5.2 of 10
Kiel: lancement du 'Fürst-Bismarck' (1897)
Rating: 5.5 of 10
Nègres Ashantis: Danse du sabre II (1897)
Rating: 5.3 of 10
Lick Observatory, Mt. Hamilton, Cal. (1897)
Rating: 3.2 of 10
Marché aux boeufs, I (1897)
Rating: 4.8 of 10
S.S. 'Coptic' in the Harbor (1897)
Rating: 3.7 of 10
Danse serpentine (1897)
Rating: 5.8 of 10
École de cavalerie de Saumur, le carrousel militaire: Changement de main (1897)
Rating: 4.8 of 10
S.S. 'Coptic' at Dock (1897)
Rating: 3.5 of 10
Le marchand de marrons (1897)
Rating: 5.4 of 10
Ballet libella (1897)
Rating: 5.2 of 10
Descente de la grande pyramide (1897)
Rating: 5.3 of 10
Fishing Smacks (1897)
Rating: 3.2 of 10
Constantinople, artillerie turque (1897)
Rating: 5.2 of 10
Ronde enfantine (1897)
Rating: 5.7 of 10
Panorama pris en chemin de fer, départ de Dammurey (1897)
Rating: 5.4 of 10
Liverpool, la rade (1897)
Rating: 5.2 of 10
Riña en un café (1897)
Rating: 4.5 of 10
Gordon Highlanders (1897)
Rating: 4.9 of 10
Carrare, train sortant d'un tunnel (1897)
Rating: 5.6 of 10
Cheval de haute école II (1897)
Rating: 5.1 of 10
Head of Procession Including Bluejackets (1897)
Rating: 4.4 of 10
Prestidigitateur (1897)
Rating: 5.2 of 10
Voyage de M. le Président Félix Faure en Russie (Août 1897): Arrivée du président et du Czar à Peterhof (1897)
Rating: 5.0 of 10
Rome, la gare (1897)
Rating: 4.8 of 10
Un incendie à Dublin I (1897)
Rating: 5.8 of 10
Brandvæsnet rykker ud (1897)
Rating: 5.1 of 10
Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee (1897)
Rating: 4.9 of 10
Danseuse de ballet (1897)
Rating: 4.9 of 10
Procession du tapis sacré (1897)
Rating: 4.9 of 10
Beyrouth, place des canons (1897)
Rating: 5.3 of 10
Bethléem, une place (1897)
Rating: 5.2 of 10
New York, Broadway (1897)
Rating: 5.9 of 10
A Coon Cake Walk (1897)
Rating: 6.5 of 10
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