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Movies for the year 1896

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We found 820 movies for the year 1896. Select a movie below to see the list of cast members for the movie. If those cast members have worked together in multiple movies, beneath each actor a list of actors they have worked with multiple times will appear. Clicking that link will provide you with a list of movies the two actors have starred in together over the years.

Chicot, dentiste américain (1896)

Rating: 4.2 of 10

Cortège de tzar allant à Versailles (1896)

Rating: 4.2 of 10

Les blanchisseuses (1896)

Rating: 3.6 of 10

Marée montante sur Brise-Larmes (1896)

Rating: 4.2 of 10

New South Wales Horse Artillery in Action (1896)

Rating: 5.6 of 10

Enfants jouant sur la plage (1896)

Rating: 4.1 of 10

Grandes manoeuvres (1896)

Rating: 4.1 of 10

Les haleurs de bateaux (1896)

Rating: 4.1 of 10

McKinley and Hobart Parade at Canton, O. (1896)

Rating: 4.1 of 10

Place du théâtre français (1896)

Rating: 4.9 of 10

Réunion d'officiers (1896)

Rating: 4.9 of 10

Charge of West Point Cadets (1896)

Rating: 5.4 of 10

West Point Cadet Cavalry Drill (1896)

Rating: 5.4 of 10

L'abreuvoir (1896)

Rating: 4.4 of 10

Unter den Linden (1896)

Rating: 4.4 of 10

Batteuse à vapeur (1896)

Rating: 4.0 of 10

Les quais à Marseille (1896)

Rating: 4.8 of 10

Blackton Sketches, No. 3 (1896)

Rating: 5.3 of 10

The Egg-Laying Man (1896)

Rating: 5.3 of 10

Sortie des ateliers Vibert (1896)

Rating: 4.7 of 10

Dancing Girls (1896)

Rating: 3.6 of 10

Surf at Long Branch (1896)

Rating: 5.2 of 10

West Point Cadet Cavalry Charge (1896)

Rating: 5.2 of 10

Les époux vont au lit (1896)

Rating: 5.8 of 10

Salut malencontreux d'un déserteur (1896)

Rating: 4.6 of 10

Aquarium (1896)

Rating: 5.1 of 10

Elevated Railway, 23rd Street, New York (1896)

Rating: 5.1 of 10

Empire State Express (1896)

Rating: 5.1 of 10

Fire Department, New Haven, Conn. (1896)

Rating: 5.1 of 10

Parade, Americus Club, Canton Ohio (1896)

Rating: 5.1 of 10

Train Taking Water, N.Y. Central R.R. (1896)

Rating: 5.1 of 10

Députations asiatiques (1896)

Rating: 4.1 of 10

Plus fort que le maître (1896)

Rating: 4.5 of 10

West Point Cadet Cavalry (1896)

Rating: 5.0 of 10

Revue navale à Cherbourg (1896)

Rating: 4.9 of 10

Place Saint-Augustin (1896)

Rating: 4.0 of 10

Le chiffonnier (1896)

Rating: 3.6 of 10

Paris, rue de Castiglione (1896)

Rating: 3.6 of 10

Tom Old Boot (1896)

Rating: 4.8 of 10

West Point Cadet Cavalry (1896)

Rating: 5.4 of 10

Carmen Romero Rubio de Díaz y familiares en carruaje en el paseo de la reforma (1896)

Rating: 4.3 of 10

Déchargement de bateaux (1896)

Rating: 3.9 of 10

Départ des automobiles (1896)

Rating: 3.3 of 10

Une bonne farce (1896)

Rating: 3.9 of 10

An Arrest at New Haven, Conn. (1896)

Rating: 4.7 of 10

Atlantic Avenue, Boston (1896)

Rating: 4.7 of 10

Jarabe tapatío (1896)

Rating: 3.5 of 10

Uma Salva de Artilharia na Serra do Pilar (1896)

Rating: 5.2 of 10

Golfing Extraordinary, Five Gentlemen (1896)

Rating: 4.6 of 10

Sac au dos (1896)

Rating: 4.6 of 10

Défilé d'infanterie française (1896)

Rating: 5.9 of 10

Les tribulations d'un concierge (1896)

Rating: 4.1 of 10

Plage de Villiers par gros temps (1896)

Rating: 4.1 of 10

Barnet Horse Fair (1896)

Rating: 3.4 of 10

Union Square, New York (1896)

Rating: 5.1 of 10

l'Impératrice mère et la grande duchesse [de Turquie] Eugénie [Xénia] en carrosse [Moscou] (1896)

Rating: 3.7 of 10

Exercice du sabre (à la Part-Dieu, Lyon) (1896)

Rating: 4.0 of 10

New York Fire Department (1896)

Rating: 5.0 of 10

Panorama of American & Canadian Falls, Taken Opposite American Falls (1896)

Rating: 4.0 of 10

Réception de S.M. l'Empereur Guillaume II: Réception de S.M. l'Empereur d'Allemagne à Francfort-sur-le-Main (1896)

Rating: 4.0 of 10

A Street in Brighton (1896)

Rating: 5.7 of 10

Pussy's Bath (1896)

Rating: 3.6 of 10

Nice, Carnaval (N° 2) (1896)

Rating: 4.9 of 10

Street Sprinkling and Trolley Cars (1896)

Rating: 4.9 of 10

Effets de mer sur les rochers (1896)

Rating: 3.9 of 10

Lanciers de la Reine: charge [Espagne] (1896)

Rating: 3.9 of 10

Madrid, porte de Tolède (1896)

Rating: 3.9 of 10

Stable on Fire (1896)

Rating: 3.9 of 10

Miss de Vere (1896)

Rating: 3.5 of 10

Horseshoe Falls from Table Rock, Canadian Side (1896)

Rating: 4.8 of 10

West Point Cadet Drill, No. 1 (1896)

Rating: 4.8 of 10

Comte de Montebello et général de Boisdeffre se rendant au Kremlin [Moscou] (1896)

Rating: 3.8 of 10

Fifth Avenue, Easter Sunday Morning (1896)

Rating: 5.3 of 10

O Senhor dos Matosinhos (1896)

Rating: 5.3 of 10

(7ème) Cuirassiers: défilé (par escadron) (1896)

Rating: 3.7 of 10

Une allée du bois de Vincennes (1896)

Rating: 3.7 of 10

The Wandering Negro Minstrels (1896)

Rating: 4.1 of 10

Busses Leaving R.R. Depot, Atlantic City (1896)

Rating: 4.6 of 10

Parade of New York City Crossing Sweepers (1896)

Rating: 4.6 of 10

Pelea de gallos (1896)

Rating: 4.6 of 10

Ankunft eines Eisenbahnzuges (1896)

Rating: 4.0 of 10

Bathers and Lifeboat, Atlantic City (1896)

Rating: 4.0 of 10

Bois de Boulogne (Touring-club) (1896)

Rating: 4.0 of 10

Streets of Cairo (1896)

Rating: 5.1 of 10

Trilby and Little Billee (1896)

Rating: 5.1 of 10

Couronnement de la rosière (1896)

Rating: 3.2 of 10

Leben und Treiben am Alexanderplatz (1896)

Rating: 4.4 of 10

Race Goers at Flemington Station, Melbourne, Australia (1896)

Rating: 4.4 of 10

Broadway & Park Row, Front of U.S. Post Office, N.Y. (1896)

Rating: 5.0 of 10

The Runaway in the Park (1896)

Rating: 5.0 of 10

Irish Way of Discussing Politics (1896)

Rating: 2.3 of 10

Azenhas no Rio Ave (1896)

Rating: 4.9 of 10

Bathers on the Beach at Brighton (1896)

Rating: 4.9 of 10

Chicago and Buffalo Express (1896)

Rating: 4.9 of 10

Comitiva presidencial del 16 de septiembre (1896)

Rating: 4.9 of 10

Déjeuner de famille (1896)

Rating: 4.9 of 10

Li Hung Chang, 5th Avenue & 55th Street, N.Y. (1896)

Rating: 4.9 of 10

Taken from Trolley, Atlantic City (1896)

Rating: 4.9 of 10

Les tribulations d'un concierge (1896)

Rating: 3.8 of 10

Carga de rurales (1896)

Rating: 3.1 of 10

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